Thursday, March 26, 2009

iMac Glory

I know this doesn't technically count as an apartment decoration or furniture, but it's so darned good looking I had to post it. I finally mustered up the money (and courage) to buy one of Apple's fancy pants new iMacs! I am very excited about this considering I am a huge Apple nerd, and to finally afford one of there mid-level machines is saying something big for me financially.

Maybe this new computer will make me all excited to post all the time now right? :)


oh, hello friend. said...

hurray, it looks so pretty!
that was fast!

you big spender.

oh, hello friend. said...

ps: you are looking very orange!

Curt said...


Chasen Marshall said...

OH NO! It totally screws up the balance of the room! Poorly played, lad, poorly played.

Anonymous said...

ah you too! im jealous!

Anonymous said...

p.s. your decor is way cute! good job curtsy :)